Today I spent some time in the field watching the bees at work. Not only do they pollinate the flowers that will give us blueberries, they also gather nectar from the flowers and make honey!
A walk down the rows at this time of year is a very sensory-filled experience. You can hear the buzzing all around you, watch the bees, and smell the fragrance of the flowers. All the bees buzzing and flying around you would be a little unsettling if you didn't know that the bees were in a friendly mood. Working from flower to flower in the warm sunshine puts the them in a good mood. Combine flowers, sun, and warmth and you have all the ingredients to make happy bees. On cloudy, cold days with no flowers they are usually grumpy and unfriendly.
Bumble bees like the blueberry flowers too!
So, when you are picking all those plump, juicy berries this summer remember who did the work to help make them.
The humble honey bee!